Thursday, February 11, 2010

Training week 1

I am walking like a deer who just learned that they had legs. I wonder if they would let me roller blade to the finish line. :)
I wrote my coach an email explaining my schedule in hopes of receiving a bit of a revised schedule and nutrition plan. I informed him that most days, I work from 6am - about 11pm and that during my night job, we are unable to eat so, I have granola bars. After writing that email, I read it back and realized what an absolute nut I am...I guarantee that he looked at that email and just simply laughed. I received a mass email back explaining running dos and donts as well as some encouragement for our hard work. I'll take it as it is and just do my best with what I have.

Every Saturday we will meet up as a team and run together, since it is 'team in training.' Saturday is our first group run and we will be having a timed 5K run. holy smokes...not to sound like a wuss, but I am so...holy smokes. I know that the distance isn't long but as a general rule, I don't usually run unless I'm being chased. Stair master - YES, stationary bike - absolutely, treadmill - only if all other machines are taken. :) I'll keep you posted on what happens. Maybe I'll volunteer to run behind everyone to protect them from the possible grizzly bear attack, you never know! hee hee. ;)

The outpouring of support for this small mission is overwhelming. I have had many notes of encouragement, offers to be a running buddy, financial donations and it gets me so pumped. I love to hear that people are getting involved and are interested in the cause. It is tremendous!!

Until next time...

**please pray for Jordan Rounds; he is a local guy fighting against his Melanoma that has returned**


  1. Eat protein bars instead of granola bars. They will help you to build muscle and sustain you during your night shifts. Get the ones that are balanced (Balance Bar, Zone Perfect are good ones). They taste better than the high-protein bars and they have a good amount of protein for women.

  2. thanks Beth - I have been trying to eat the protein bars, sometimes its just dried fruit. i need to figure it out. :)
